Friday, August 31, 2007

Thursday 30th August Bundaberg to Pancake Creek - Cape Capricorn and on to Yepoon


Had a great sail to Pancake Creek and was great to revisit after 26years although was very nervous going into the anchorage as this is the first place we went aground when we came up here with Katie O. Wow,… now they have Port and Starboard markers and leads all very posh and updated. All we had were leads of which the bottom one had fallen down so it was just pot luck and we didn’t have any.
Saw the eclipse of the moon which was awesome and so clear….what a sight.
Left early the next morning for Cape Capricorn, again a pleasant day’s sail.
When we arrived at CC had time to go ashore and walk up to the lighthouse and on the way stumbled across n echidna ambling along the path. The view from the top was amazing and we could see into Yellow Patch across all the shelving sands. Blast,… forgot to take my camera, will have to do the walk on the way back and hope the echidna crosses our path again.

Had a great day’s sail from Cape Capricorn after a very lumpy night, roller coaster ride without the washing machine.We surfed along with goose winged sails and averaged 6 knts to arrive in Rosslyn bay at 11.30 instead of our estimated time of 1300 hours

Pam’s fishing Notes:
Hooked the most amazing Spanish Mackerel and managed to bring it right up to the boat and as Nick was lifting it on board and I was visualizing the way I was going to cook it as they are great eating… the Damn thing spat the dummy and flopped back into the ocean. The fish was happy and lived, Nick was happy that the fish lived and I was “NOT HAPPY PAM’

Thursday 31st
Changed engine oil, oil filter and fuel filter. Bled and refitted fuel filter. Stocked up the wine and rum cellar. We sail on the morning tide for Port Clinton or Pearl Bay and then on up through Island Head Creek, Percys then maybe Digby and on to Mackay, so we won’t have any more access to the internet for about 7days.

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